59. Henry Reger (Married: (1) Elizabeth Anne Rohrbough on 25 April
1815 in Randolph (Harrison) County, Virginia (now West Virginia) (Source: p. 284 of Randolph Co., VA Marriage Book, daughter of Anthony Reinhart Rohrbough and Elizabeth Simon; (2) Barbara Strader (#60) on 16 December 1824 (13 December 1824 is the date of bond, no marriage record found in Lewis County, VA). [The sources of the orange information are e-mails from Jim Reagor on 17 and 25 June 2009. Source of wine colored information: Reger WV Tree on ancestry.com posted by Larwvusa.The source of purple information: Decendants of Hans Jacob Rueger by Henry Koffman (Reger Family Genealogist) via Internet posting)]
Born: 30 December 1793; 1796 (Source: a note in an old family photo book in the possession of Evelyn Sharpe Bumgarner in 2009, a Colerider Descendant and Aunt of this webmaster) ( some sources say he was born 1 August 1794 in Upshur County, Virginia, now West Virginia, but it was probably about 1 November 1793... see death information below) of Anthony Reger (#117) & Anna Susanna (Susannah) Simmons (#118).
Died: 3 December 1856; 1859 (Source: a note in an old family photo book in the possession of Evelyn Sharpe Bumgarner in 2009, a Colerider Descendant and Aunt of this webmaster) in Upshur Co., Virginia (now West Virginia) at Lorentz on Finks Run. His tombstone says he was 62 y, 11 m, 3 d old when he died on 3 December 1856. If that is true, then he was born 1 Novemer 1793.
[His siblings include:
a) Anthony Reger Jr.: Born: 1791 ; Died: 1812 at the age of 21.
b) Phillip Reger: (Married (1): Elizabeth Wolfe on 10 April 1817; (2) Jane McCoy in 1846.) Born: About 1795 in Virginia; Died: About 1874; Will was proved 22 June 1874; Miscellaneous: Adopted Child. The 1850 Census listed Philip in Lewis County, West Virginia as age 50. Children of Phillip and Elizabeth were Jacob W. Reger, Saul P. Reger, Matilda Ann Reger, and Granville Reger.
c) Rachel Reger: (Married James Barnes (Barner) in Lewis County, Virginia 1820); Born: 1803; about 1797 ; Died: ?
d) Saul Reger: (Married (1) Mariah Dobson on 20 March 1820 in Lewis County, Virginia (Now West Virginia), (2) Mary Martha Busby on 23 November 1845 in Madison County, Indiana, daughter of William Busby and Mary Powell); Born: 6 June 1799 in French Creek, Rockingham County, Virginia ; Died: 24 July 1866 in Sulllivan County, Missouri ; he is buried at Henry Cemetery South of Reger, Missouri. Miscellaneous: Saul Moved to Sullivan Co, MO. in 1853. Saul and Mariah had a total of 9 children. Saul and Mary Martha had a total of 5 children. For more information, click here.]
According to The History of Upshur County, West Virginia From its Earliest Exploration and Settlement to the Present Time by William Bernard Cutright, 1907 (page 252), Henry Reger and John Strader built the first saw-mill in Upshur County. To read this page, click here.
25 April 1815, Henry married his 1st wife, Elizabeth Rohrbough in Harrison County, Virginia (Now West Virginia.)
In 1816, a son Anthony was born.
The 1820 Census of Lewis County; 151a, 104, 41; REAGER, Henery (total 5) lists the following: 1 male age 26-45 = Henry, age about 26; 1 female age 16-26 = Elizabeth, wife, age 25, 2 males up to 10 = Anthony age 4 and ?; 1 female under 10?; occupation agriculture. [Larwvusa Note: This does not appear to match this Henry or they had 2 other kids not accounted for.]
Between 1820-April 1824: son Goodman was born in 1822; an infant daughter was born and died in 1824.
10 April 1824, Henry's 1st wife Elizabeth died, probably in childbirth.
In all, Henry and his first wife, Elizabeth Anne Rohrbough had at least three children: Anthony Reger, Goodman Reger, and an infant daughter.
Land Grant Records Virginia: 8 September 1824, Henry REAGER & Saul READER (sic-is brother Saul); Location: Lewis County; Desc: 800 acres on Sauls Run and Bridge Run both branches of Finks Run. (LOG #73, 1823-1825, p. 387 (Reel 139)) (note-Lewis County was formed in 1816 from part of Harrison County).
Abstrs Lewis County, (W) VA Deeds (HC7031): 1824, August 23- Lewis County Land Records, p. 8; Henry Reger & Maria his wife (sic-Abstracted obviously left out Saul between Henry & Maria as Mariah was Saul's wife not Henry's - see signers below); Philip Reger & Elizabeth his wife (nee Wolfe, his 1st wife); James Barnes & Rachel his wife; of Lewis Co. to George CAPER of same place $100.00 for 20 acres on Buckhannon River joining Abraham CAPER and being part of 170 acres which Jason BRAKE and Mary his Wife granted to Henry Reger and Saul Reger by deed 26 June 1801. signed: Henry Reger, Saul Reger, Mariah Reger, Philip Reger, Elizabeth Reger (her mark), James Barnes and Rachel Barnes (her mark). Notes: Henry's 1st wife Elizabeth (Rohrbough) Reger had died in April of that year, 1824 & he did not marry Barbara Strader until at least December 1824 so that is why he was signing this without a wife.
13 December 1824, Henry married his 2nd wife Barbara Strader (#60).
p. 87-DEED Bk C p. 181-Mar 21 1825, -Saul REGER & Maria his wife (this is Mariah DOBSON), Henry REGER & Barbara his wife (this is Barbara STRADER, 2nd wife he married in Dec. 1824), Philip REGER and Elizabeth his wife (this is Eliabeth WOLFE, his 1st wife), all of Lewis Co. to James BARNS (BARNES) of same place, Whereas commonwealth of VA by patent dated 1 Aug 1809 did grant to Anthony REGER (their brother, not their father), Henry REGER, Saul REGER, and Rachel REGER, now wife of said James BARNES, heirs and legal representatives of Anthony REGER, dec'd (this is their father, husband of widow SIMON), tract on Fink's Run, branch of Buckhannon River and on Wash Run a branch of said Fink's Run, then in Harrison Co, now (1825) in county of Lewis, of 253 acres and Whereas said Anthony REGER (their brother) on of the heirs of Anthony REGER (their father) since died intestate (i.e. without a will) and without issue (i.e. not kids), leaving said Henry, Saul, Philip, Rachel to inherit his part of share of the above 243 acreas... (confusing--is it 243 or 253?)......, for _600 to James BARNES, tract on Fink's Run, branch of Buckhannon River & on Wash Run, adjacent lands of Wm ALLMAN & Henry REGER, being part of said 243 acres granted by patent, and containing 141 acreas. signed by Saul REGER, Maria REGER, Henry REGER, Barbara REGER, Philip REGER, Elizabeth REGER.
p. 89 Deed Bk C p197-Mar 21, 1825 James BARNES & Rachel his wife, Jacob (sic) REGER & Marcie (sic) (these are Saul & Mariah-see signatures below), Philip REGER & Elizabeth his wife (This is Elizabeth nee WOLFE) all of Lewis Co. to Henry REGER (their brother) of same place, where Commonwealth of VA by patent dated 1 Aug 1809 did grant to Anthony REGER (their brother), the said Henry REGER, Saul REGER, Rachel REGER, now wife of said James BARNES) heirs and legal representatives of Anthony REGER, dec'd (their father), tract on Fink's Run, branch of Buckhannon River & on Wash Run a branch of Finks Run, then in the Co of Harrison, containing 243 acres; Whereas said Anthony REGER dec'd (their brother) one of the heirs of Anthony REGER, dec'd (their father), since died intestate and without issue leaving said Henry REGER, Saul, Rachel, & Philip, to nherit his part of the above 243 acres, Now they convey to said Henry REGER for _600 said tract of land. Signed: Philip REGER, Elizabeth REGER, Saul REGER, Marice (sic) REGER, James BARNS (sic), Rachel BARNS (sic) signed: Wm I. DAVIS & Jacob LORENTZ, Justices of Peace. (NOTE: this one is confusing--I assume they are conveying to Henry the part of the 253 or 243 acres, they didn't convey to Rachel's husband, James BARNES, on this same date. (See above.)
Between 1825 and 1830, Henry and Barbara's daughter, Jemima (#30) was born in 1826; then son John S. in 1828 and son Henry in 1830.
The 1830 Census of Lewis County: REGER, Henry (total 9) lists the following: 1 male 30-40 = Henry, age about 36; 1 female 20-30 = 2nd wife, Barbara, age about 27; 1 male 10-15 = Anthony, of Henry's 1st marriage, age 14; 1 female 10-15?; 2 males 5-10 = Goodman, of Henry's 1st marriage, age 8 and ?; 1 female under 5 = Jemima, age 4; 2 males under 5 = John S, age 2, and Henry Jr., age 1. [Larwvusa Note: It appears to be that the 2 missing kids (1 boy and 1 girl) from the prior census are still in household in 1830.]
Between 1830 and 1840, son Henry Jr. died in 1837; son Manley was born 1832 and died in 1837; son Saul was born in 1834 and died in 1835; the 2 unidentified children from the 1820 and 1830 census do not show up in the 1840 census. Son Martin was born in 1836, daughter Mary Elizabeth was born in 1838, and son William was born in 1840.
1840 Census, Lewis County: REAGER, Henry (total 8): 1 male 40-50 = Henry, age about 46; 1 female 30-40 = wife, Barbara, age about 37; 1 male 20-30 = Anthony, of his 1st marriage, age 24; 1 male 15-20 = Goodman, age 18, of his 1st marriage; 1 female 10-15 = Jemima, age 14; 1 male 10-15 = John S., age 10; 1 male under 5 = Martin, age 4; 1 female under 5 = Mary Elizabeth, age 2 (note son Wiliam, born July 1840, was not on the census).
Between 1840-1850, daughter Virginia was born in 1843, son Philip E. was born in 1846, and daughter Martha Jane was born in 1848.
In 1848, there was a petitioned effort to establish a new Virginia county by taking away parts of Lewis, Harrison, Randolph and Barbour counties. The county seat of that new county (Upshur) would be Buckhannon Town. When Buckhannon Town was polled, Henry, his son-in-law Edward Colerider, and Edward's father (Henry Colerider) signed if favor of creating a new county. There was much debate within the surrounding communities, but finally on March 26, 1851, the county was created from parts of Lewis, Randolph and Barbour. To see a list of those in Buckhannan Town who were in favor of establishing a new county, as described in The History of Upshur County, West Virginia From its Earliest Exploration and Settlement to the Present Time by William Bernard Cutright, 1907 (pages 249 and 250), click here.
1850 Census: Henry is not on the Lewis, Barbour, or Harrison County Census where he should be in pub source. [Larwvusa Note: need to check original Lewis County census in case author's skipped over him rather than that census taker skipped Fink's Run. But so far am missing his son Goodman's family and the Peter Cutright family on this census--all of whom were on Finks Run].
Henry died in 1856, so later Census on this household are listed under 2nd wife, Barbara.
In all, Henry and his second wife, Barbara Strader (#60), had 11 children: Jemima Reger (#30), John S. Reger, Henry Jr. Reger, Manley Reger, Saul Reger, Martin Reger, Mary Elizabeth Reger, William Reger, Virginia Reger, Philip E. Reger, and Martha Jane Reger. [ Susan Snyder notes that in the Reger Chapel article below, sons Manley, Saul, Henry Jr., and Philip E. are not mentioned. By 1854, Manley, Saul, and Henry Jr. has already passed away and Philip was just 13 years old.]
The following article is titled "Remembering Reger Chapel's Spiritual Heritage and How It Began"
By Mary Ellen Corder
Reger Chapel
United Methodist Church
Brushy Fork, Upshur Co., WV
--Heritage Program--
It began with a family named Reger, for which the Church got its name, and who made it possible to have a Church Cemetery. It also began with our dedicated forefathers. Some may have been your great great great grandparents, Uncles or Aunts.
The valley of Brushy Fork extends for a distance of approximately three miles. Settlements of this area were made between 1778 and 1812. The first settler to acquire land here was a man by the name of John Reger.
On September 12, 1833, twenty-three year old John Jackson Reger married eighteen year old Jemima Kessel. Their marriage was recorded in Lewis County of which Brushy Fork was a part of at that time.
On May 29th, 1839, one hundred-forty acres of land on Brushy Fork of Fink's Run was deeded to John J Reger by his father, Philip Reger.
John J and Jemima built their home just beyond Reger Chapel on the site where a "Bungalow" style house now stands. (This may have been the location of the present Earl Smith property or Gertie and Ordie Lantz property. One would have to check the deed records for the true location.)
On April 17,1854, a piece of ground was given by John Jackson Reger for the purpose of building a Church.
The logs were hauled by oxen by John Jackson's first cousin, Henry Reger, from the farm of Anthony Reger. [Note: The farm might have been originally owned by Henry's father (Anthony) who died in 1806 or it could be the farm of Henry's son (Anthony) who was born about 1816 (source ancestry.com)]. The lumber was sawed at a saw-mill on Spruce Fork.(a picture of the saw-mill is on display)
The Reger Chapel Church was the first church built to completion in 1854. It was a Methodist Episcopal Church. The principal builders and contributors were Nimrod Reger, Elijah Hyre, Jonas Strader, Valentine Strader, John J Reger, Anthony Reger, all of whom lived on Brushy Fork, and Henry Reger, father of Anthony Reger, Goodman Reger, Martin Reger, William Reger, John Reger, all of whom lived on Finks Run or its tributaries. Note: Anthony Reger was the grandfather of Ruth Sutton Queen. [Note: the Straders listed here are probably related to Henry's wife, Barbara Strader.]
(Note: by Mary Ellen Corder. I have learned that a Mr. Marcel West helped to build the original part of Reger Chapel Church. He and his wife, Ida, are buried in the Church Cemetery.)
On March 12, 1890, additional land for one and a fourth (1 1/4) acres to the cemetery was given by John Jackson Reger and his wife Jemima Kessel Reger.
John Jackson Reger and his wife Jemima lived on Brushy Fork until his death in 1896. She died in 1902 and both are buried in the Reger Chapel Cemetery in back of the Church.
So you can understand more about this John Jackson and Jemima Reger I have a picture of them to present to the church. Note: the long beard he has and a broach she is wearing with John J's picture. I was able to get the picture and information from Gwen Reger, genealogist for the Reger Family.
Continuing with the history
The first class meeting ever held in the Reger Chapel Church was organized by Henry Reger. He was the Class Leader until his death, then his son was chosen leader and held that position until his death.
The first funeral held at this church was Rev. L. D. Casto's in 1890. Anna (post) Greene remembered attending the funeral of a colored man who is buried in the Reger Chapel Cemetery, a former slave. His name is John Dean.
There was a Circuit Rider, the Rev. F. H. J. King, of Kingwood, WV who pastored at Reger Chapel, about (1903-04 or 5). One of his children died and was buried while he was away from home as there were no communication at that time. Information from Mrs E.C. Wereley.
Photograph by Larwvusa in 2002, source ancestry.com 2009

Lifetime Events Summary for Henry Reger:
Event |
Date |
Henry's age |
Birth |
~ 1793 |
0 |
Death of Father |
~ 1807 |
14 |
War of 1812 Begins |
1812 |
19 |
Marriage to Elizabeth Rohroboough |
1815 |
22 |
Children's births |
1816-1848 |
23 - 55 |
Death of 1st Wife |
1824 |
31 |
Marriage to Barbara Strader |
1824 |
31 |
1826 |
33 |
Death of Mother |
1835 |
42 |
Death |
~1856 |
63 |
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Contact person for this website isSusan Snyder: susanleachsnyder@gmail.com