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Mary Gertrude Colerider



8. Mary Gertrude Colerider (Married: Terry Donnell Sharpe (#7), 14 December 1910 at Washington, D.C.)

Born: 3 August 1886 of Henry Clay Colerider (#15) & Anna Eliza Payne (#16) at Grafton, Taylor Co.,West Virginia. Photos of Henry Clay Colerider (#15) and Anna Eliza Payne (#16) are shown below.


Source of green information is from Claudine Harding in numerous e-mails February and March 2009 to Susan L. Snyder. [Note: Claudine Harding is the GGGG Granddaughter of Rebecca Love (Eleanor Winnie Love's (#58) sister) and GGGGG Granddaughter of William Love (#115) and Winford Carney (#116)]


Died: 16 May 1962, of a stroke according to Helen, her daughter (an aneurism according to Sandra Henson (a granddaughter) and death certificate, buried beside Terry Donnell Sharpe at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Greensboro, N.C.


[Her siblings included:

a) Nettie Pearl Colerider: (Married: John R. Pierce, 3 March 1919) Born: 22 May 1881. Died: 13 June 1946, buried in Washington, D.C.; Miscellaneous: Pearl and John had a son, Roger. John left or died; Nettie Pearl and Roger moved in with Pearl's father and mother. Click here to see photographs of Nettie.

b) Marion Hays Colerider: Born: 23 May 1883. Died: 7 December 1900 - He was killed by gunshot; he was buried in Bluemont Cemetery, Grafton,WV, then his body was removed to Prospect Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C. on 27 November 1915 (Section B, Lot 50, Site 8) (Source of information: phone conversation with Prospect Hill Cemetery staff member on 12 June 2007); Click here to see photographs and read articles about Marion.

c) Samuel Watkins Colerider: (Married: Edith Willis, October, 1916 in Georgia) Born: 8 December 1884 in Taylor Co., W.V. Died: September 1966.] Click here to see photographs and read about Samuel.


Below: Gertrude (infant) with her family: Marion, her mother (Anna/Alma ), Sam, her father (Henry), and Pearl; circa 1887.



Far Left: Baby Gertrude. Immediate Left: Young Gertrude sitting on her grandfather Edward Jackson Colerider's knee.








Right: Gertrude with her brothers and sister, Marion, Sam, and Pearl.






Following the death of her 17-year old brother, Marion, in 1900, Gertrude’s family moved from Grafton, West Virginia to Fayetteville, North Carolina. Marion had been “accidentally” shot by a classmate. Gertrude would have been about 14 years old. Far Right: Gertrude in 1902, about 16 years old.




Education: Gertrude graduated from Galatia High School in Fayetteville, North Carolina and later attended two years at Southern Presbyterian College.

Below: Gertrude (labeled #22 and dressed in black dress) with her classmates at Galatia High School, December 22, 1905.

Employment: Teacher.


Above: Teachers’ Assembly at Charlotte, North Carolina 1908 (arrow points to Gertrude)

After meeting Terry Sharpe, while walking in a cemetry, following the Teachers’ Assembly in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1908, Gertrude and Terry corresponded with one another.

Below is an envelope and letter sent by Terry to Gertrude on November 13, 1908. Terry was the principal at the Guilford Graded School at Guilford College in Greensboro, N,C. Gertrude was (at present), not teaching. She was living in Florence, S.C. The envelope and letter were found among Gertrude's daughter Helen's possessions in 2023 by Helen's daughter, Susan.

Below is an envelope and letter sent by Terry to Gertrude on August 24, 1909. As with the one above, the envelope and letter were found among Gertrude's daughter Helen's possessions in 2023 by Helen's daughter, Susan. Terry was living in Greensboro, N.C. Gertrude was living in Fayetteville, N.C.

According to the souvenir program below, during the 1909-1910 school year, Gertrude taught at Liberty High School, Liberty, N.C. in the Intermediate Department and Terry was the principal. Gertrude is listed as having attended Southern Presbyrterian College and Terry had graduated from Guilford College and University of North Carolina.



Below: Gertrude at right, posing with a friend.


Below: Gertrude in an apple orchid.


Some time prior to March 14, 1910, Gertrude sent Terry a copy of “A Woman’s Question" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning that she had copied onto stationary from Hays-Lon Farm, her home.

Terry responded to Gertrude with his own two pages of original poetry:


A Man’s Reply March 14, 1910 Terry D. Sharpe

Of all the things sent from above,
The costliest and most priceless treasure
Is a woman’s heart, her life and love
A gift not compared nor contained by measure.

I know that I’ve asked for the dearest life,
The loveliest image in all creation,
Who will be some day a typical wife,
To comfort, to cherish, and dispel vexation.

I offer not wealth, nor dash I in haste,
But such as I have, I offer thee,
A life that's pure and without disgrace,
And by thy help I can better be.


Although our days of acquaintance are few,
This is not obstacle, I must admit,
For daily we work with the same end in view,
Learning each other better as occasions permit.

My love to thee is exceeding great,
My heart is filled as an ocean wide
With devoted affection that never shall break,
I ask thee to launch on the swelling tide.

I know that for me there is plenty of time,
And various excuses you may employ,
But when you say that you are mine,
You make a heaven of bliss and joy.

Now will you not give your wonderful love,
Yourself, and your all confide,
There some glad day the angels above
Will deck and adore you- my bride.


On the second anniversary of his meeting Gertrude, he wrote the following four page poem:

Our Second Anniversary
To Gertrude
‘Twas a bright and charming afternoon,
When the heart was young, and blithe, and gay.
As it often occurs in the month of June,
All nature combined for a glorious day.

The second anniversary now has come
Of that happy meeting in the city of Charlotte.
A time which recalls, not pleasures some,
But many and varied, which have come to my lot.

To the Teachers Assembly all credit is due,
For such acquaintance and such a coincidence.
But the Central Hotel had quite a share too,
By harboring us all with so much confidence.

For a few days after the Assembly had closed,
Some lingered around to view the sights,
And take in the city, or do as disposed,
For a very short time, both days and nights.



After walking around, and before we dispersed,
In the cemetery, we chanced to be.
‘Twas there and then, on June the twenty-first,
That I met you, and you met me.

Long and anxiously I had waited this chance,
And I now realized that my dreams were true.
For never before, from cottage to house,
Was ever one found, to compare with you.

When first I saw thee dressed in pink,
Thy manner and thy beauty pleased me.
The longer I looked, the more did I think
That my ideal was found in thee.

Since that time, acquaintance has grown,
And happy have been the hours of adversity.
For in your presence all sorrows have flown,
And cheerful and hopeful we’ve toiled at Liberty.

Since first I met thee kind and young,
There shone such truth about thee.
And in thy countenance such promise bring,
I did not dare to doubt thee.


Of thee I think, where’er I be, On thee I’ve still relied,
At times I’ve clung with hope the fonder,
And thought though true to all beside,
From me Gertrude, thou wouldst not wander.

Where’er I see those smiling eyes,
So full of hope, and joy, and light,
It seems that no cloud could e’er rise,
To dim a life so pure and bright.

When first thy smile, like sunshine, blest my sight,
Oh what a vision there came o’er me.
Long years of love, of calm and pure delight,
Seemed in that smile to pass before me.

Ne’er did the poet dream of summer skies,
Of Golden fruit, and harvests springing,
With fonder hope than I, of those sweet eyes,
And of the joy their light was bringing.

The days are brighter with thee Gertrude,
The comet appeared in all its splendor,
By my conduct, please don’t think me rude,

For I always desire, to true devotion render.


Now for all things, it does take time,
And on this course you seem to insist.
You are right, my dear, I’ve found each time
I like to be with you, and you say that I am missed.

Thy life to me is an inspiration
Filled with all that's purest and best.
You doubt me no longer with procrastination
For reason has conquered with earnest bebest.

Now as this date shall pass around,
And as other Junes shall pass us by,
I know that in thee, a friend I have found,
On whom I always can rely.

All honor and joy to thee this day,
Included both now and throughout the year,
And while others come and go their way,
I am hoping soon, Gertrude, that you’ll be ever near.


Terry D. Sharpe June 12, 1910

With all truth and sincerity, this poem is dedicated to the one he loves.


Below: TerryDonnell Sharpe courting Gertrude.


On November 30, 1910,Terry wrote to Gertrude’s father, Henry Clay Colerider asking for Gertrude’s hand in marriage. A transcript of this five page letter is shown below:

Greensboro, North Carolina
Nov. 30, 1910

Mr. H.C. Colerider

My dear Sir: For some time, I have been thinking that I should either write you, or speak to you in person in regard to our plans for Dec 14th. As I have not as yet, I am taking advantage of this opportunity in doing so. In our marriage, I believe that I shall obtain the most priceless treasure which you possess. All my relations with Gertrude have been agreeable and pleasant. To me she has always been an ideal lady. She is a jewel, and I see no reason why we cannot be agreeable, congenial, and happy companions. While it is not my privilege to offer her riches and plenty, I am sure that she understands my position in aspiring to a moral, upright character, and offering her a life of love, devotion, and service. When I look back over my past career, I find, that a great part of my life has been spent in preparation. So I hope that I shall soon have the opportunity to use this to advantage.

Please allow me to express many sincere thanks to you, as well as to your entire family, for your many kindnesses toward me. As the tie which binds us becomes closer and closer, it is more and more my ambition to do my utmost in making life cheerful and happy for your daughter, the pride and joy of your home. Assuring you that it will be a grand privilege to become a member of your household on Dec 14th, I hope to receive your sanction and approval in regard to our marriage, and in fact in regard to all that we shall do. Your esteemed friend, Terry D. Sharpe


Below: Henry Colerider responded, a transcript is also below.


115 Md. Ave. N. E.
Washington D.C.
Dec. 1-1910

Mr. T. D. Sharpe
Greensboro N. C

My Dear Sir, Your letter of 30” ult.? rec’d this day and contents carefully noted. Your very high declarations, and esteem for my Daughter-Gertrude is, I assure you highly appreciated, and of a worth it is as you state, she is the pride of our household. When I say this it does not detract one whit from the other members of our household. I want to further state Mr. Sharpe that I trust and pray that you will always regard her as you so frankly set forth --in the purport of your letter to the ? -and Gertrude's Father.-- She is a true and beloved child one that is above reproach and suspicion. I give my consent altho it is hard for me to part with her from our household, and in doing so, I believe you will do your part in caring for her. I just offer this one word of advice be patient and forbear, as she is like us all, human, and not perfection as God does not create--perfection in his children on this earth.

So wishing you abundant success in your aspirations I am with-much interest your true friend.

Henry C. Colerider




In December of 1910, Terry and Gertrude were married. To see the wedding book and learn the details concerning the wedding click here. (Prior to her marriage, Gertrude was an Episcopalian. After her marriage, she became a Methodist.)


Nine months after the wedding took place in Washington, D.C. (10, October 1911), Gertrude gave birth to the first of their four daughters, Gladys Lucile. Alma Elizabeth was born 30 December 1913, Evelyn Terry on 13 February 1916, and Helen Marie on 13 March 1922).

Below: Gertrude with her first child, Gladys Lucile.




Left: Gertrude with Alma Elizabeth, Gladys Lucile, and Terry. Below: Alma Elizabeth and Gladys Lucille on a rocking horse.

Below: Gertrude and Terry enjoy a day at the beach.


During the Depression, Gertrude was an active member of the Greensboro chapter of the Red Cross. She and the other members stayed busy; one of the projects was sewing items for the needy.

Left: Gertrude is shown in the middle of the photo in the striped top. This picture was copied from Greensboro...A chosen Center...An Illustrated History by Gayle Hicks Fripp, 1983, p. 109. The picture was courtesy of the Greensboro Historical Museum.



Left: One of Gertrude’s pin cushions. This is currently in the possession of Susan Leach Snyder.





Below: Gertrude and Terry on the front porch of the Sharpe Road Home. Gertrude loved her dogs and cats. Their grandchildren remember their two samoyed dogs Fluffy and Nelson. These large white dogs were father and son. The grandchildren remember Terry removiing ticks from their skin and putting the ticks in a jar.

Below: Gertrude and Terry with the Frank A. Stiths (friends) at a picnic.


Hobbies: Gertrude enjoyed gardening and sewing. She made all of her children’s clothes when they were young. She also made doll clothes for Santa Claus, hankies, pillowcases, and sheets for dolls. She enjoyed doing watercolor paintings. (Four of her paintings are shown below.) Her granddaughter, Susan remembers that she was a wonderful cook. Gertrude made butter and buttermilk for her family.

Below Left: Gertrude walks one of the dogs, Fluffy. Below Right: Gertrude and Terry in a pansy garden at their home.


Below: Watercolors painted by Gertrude.


Below: Five of Gertrude's favorite recipes (transcribed by daughter, Helen, as her "Mothers" ):

Mother's Mayonnaise 1952

1 whole egg (put in bowl)
1/2 t.s. salt add to egg
1/2 t.s. mustard (Frenchs')


Beat all the time and Add Wesson Oil gradually until thick. Put 1 T.S. lemon juice to thin and add more Wesson Oil until desired mixture.

Hope you have good luck.



Mother's Lemon Sherbert/ Ice Cream

1 qt milk
2 cups sugar
2 limes & 1 lemon or 3 lemons (juices strained)




Mother's Marshmello Salad

pineapple (med size can)
marshmallows (2 boxes) 32 marshmellows
cherries (1/2 c)
almonds (1/2 c)



Let pineapple & marsh. stand over nite. Add to pine. juice 1 T of flour & 1/2 t mustard--cook 'til thick-mix thickening with salad & add 1/2 pt whipped cream. Freeze 'til hard.


Mother's Uncooked Lemon Pie

Crust of van. waffers or graham crackers
juice of two lemons (1/2 lime juice)
rind to make 1 tsp. (grated)
2 eggs
1 can eagle brand milk



put mix into pie shell; make meringue of egg whites-4T of sugar added-- Bake in slow oven 350°
until lightly brown about 15 min--cool--put in refrigerator

Mother's Bread --Nov. 1961

Cook one potato. Mash. Use 3 cups water, 1 yeast cake, 1 tbsp. salt, 3/4 cup sugar

Let stand overnight.

Add 1 cup shortening, 2 or 3 c. flour and beat 10 minutes in mixmaster.

Let stand until rises. Add more flour.

Let stand until rises twice. Use about 2 or 2 1/2 lbs. flour. Make loaves and let rise 1 hour. Bake 45 min at 375.



Gertrude was an active member of Grace Methodist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. Helen (her daughter) remembers that Gertrude and the other church ladies made Brunswick stew that they cooked all day in a big, black pot and sold in “the hut” behind the church as a money maker for the church.

Gertrude enjoyed entertaining at her home with teas and circles, and she loved to travel. On one occasion, Gertrude and Terry drove to Florida with another couple. After Terry died, and at 70 years of age, Gertrude took a trip with a tour group out West. Along the way she stopped at Knotts Berry Farms, Carlsbad Caverns, Donner Pass, and the Petrified Forest.


Below: Gertrude’s silver and china patterns.



Left: Terry and Gertrude stand in front of their farm house on Sharpe Road.



Below: The top and bottom of Gertrude’s silver compact. This is currently in the possession of Susan Leach Snyder.




Above: Gertrude and Terry with their family: Top row: Sandra Long (oldest granddaughter), Gladys Lucile Sharpe Long (oldest daughter), Oren Long (son-in-law), Alma Elizabeth Sharpe (daughter), John Reed Bumgarner (son-in-law), Evelyn Terry Sharpe Bumgarner (daughter), Russell Leach (son-in-law), Helen Marie Sharpe Leach (youngest daughter), Mary Lue Long (granddaughter). Bottom row: Lyn Bumgarner (granddaughter), Reed Bumgarner (grandson), Mary Gertrude Colerider Sharpe, Terry Donnell Sharpe, Terry Donnell Leach (oldest grandson), and Susan Sharpe Leach (granddaughter). Note: Ann Dunham Leach (the youngest granddaughter was not born until 1963, after both Gertrude and Terry Sharpe were deceased.


Below: Gertrude and Terry relax in the livingroom of the farm house on Sharpe Road.


Left: One of Gertrude's and Terry Sharpe's Christmas cards features their country home on Sharpe Road.

Below: Gertrude with grandchildren, Susan and Terry Leach. Gertrude was called Mama Sharpe by all of her grandchildren.

In 2017, memories of her grandmother were still very vivid in the mind of 70-year old granddaughter Susan. Visiting her grandparents at the farm house was always the highlight of the summer for the Leach family. The family made the car trip from Columbus, Ohio through West Virginia (via the West Virginia Turnpike), then through Virginia and into North Carolina. Finally they would arrive at Mamma and Daddy Sharpe's house on Sharpe Road in Greensboro. The smell of the boxwoods along the front of the house was always a highlight of the visit for Susan, as was picking wild grapes from the vines, and figs from a tree, and popping them into her mouth. In her grandparent's backyard, young Susan could admire all the butterflies that were attracted to her grandmother's beautiful flower gardens, and throughout the day, Susan would delight in homemade biscuits and other culinary delights fixed by Mamma Sharpe, "the best cook in the world." Collecting eggs from the chicken house was fun until one day there was a snake coiled up in one of the chicken nests. From then on, Susan was wary during egg collection. Every afternoon, the children in the house had to lay down and be quiet (ie. rest) while the adults took naps. Susan and her brother Terry played Chinese checkers to pass the time. Trying to take a nap in the afternoon was difficult. It was hot, there was no air conditioning, and wasps could be heard buzzing near the window screens. Another special sound at the farm house was created when rain drops pounded the tin roof. Before bedtime, Susan was always amazed to see just how long her grandmother's hair was when she upbraided it from the top of her head, and brushed it out. Susan remembers her grandmother as an individual that loved nature, was extremely kind, loved the church, and had many friends.


In 1957, Gertrude wrote her will , leaving all of her worldly possessions to her four daughters.



On 16 May 1962, Gertrude died. Her death certificate lists the cause of death as subarachnoid hemorrhage. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the area between the brain and the thin tissues that cover the brain. This area is called the subarachnoid space. The cause may have been bleeding from a cerebral aneurysm.


Left: Gertrude's obituary reads:

"Mrs. Sharpe Dies at 75; Rites Set

Mrs. Terry Donnell Sharpe, 75, 1204 West Market St., died at 4 a.m. yesterday in Wesley Long Hospital where she had been a patient three weeks.

She was the former Mary Gertrude Colerider and was the wife of the late Terry D. Sharpe of the Terry D. Sharpe Insurance Co. here. She was a native of West Virginia but had lived in Greensboro 51 years.

She was a member of Grace Methodist Church where she was a Sunday school teacher and president of the Women’s Missionary Society. She attended school in West Virginia and Fayetteville. She also attended Flora MacDonald College and taught school in Wagram and Liberty for several years.

Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. John Bumgarner and Mrs. Spencer Garlow, both of Greensboro, Mrs. Oren Long of Columbia, S.C., and Mrs. Russell Leach of Columbus, Ohio; one brother, Samuel W. Colerider Sr. of Concord; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. today at Grace Methodist Church by the Rev. Charles Shannon, pastor. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Edwin Sharpe, Ernest Scarboro, John C. Taylor, James B. Millikan, Dewey Wicker and Saunders Ogburn. The body will remain at the Hanes Funeral Home until the service. The family will be at the home of Mrs. Bumgarner, 2101 Mimosa Drive."




Left: Gertrude’s tombstone at Forest Lawn Cemetery (GPS: 36° 7.514 minutes N, 79° 50.651 minutes W.) This photograph was taken on October 2, 2005.









Lifetime Events Summary for Mary Gertrude Colerider:

Gertrude's age
3 August 1886
Spanish American War
14 December 1910
World War I
1914 - 1918
28 - 32
Children's births
25 - 36
Helen Marie Sharpe's birth
13 March 1922
The Great Depression
1929- 1939
43 - 53
Age at Father's Death
3 July 1933
Age at Mother's Death
15 August 1935
World War II
53 - 59
Korean War
1950 - 1953
64 - 67
Age at Husband's Death
19 September 1957
Alan Shepard Jr.(1st American) in Space
5 May 1961
16 May 1962


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Contact person for this website is Susan Snyder: